Peter Wright Art
Art & You
Throughout the passage of time, art in all its form was regarded as humanities highest form of creative expression.To find a piece of art that resonates with your soul is deeply satisfying & fulfills a need within each of us. Find the piece of art that speaks to you & you will be forever rewarded.
A part of Peter's Story
Peter Wright was born in Scotland. At age six his family decided to emigrate to Australia, traveling Via P&O cruise ship three times between London & Sydney, before finally settling into a new life in Sydney. These three world cruises & fascinating ports of call ignited in young Peter a curiosity & passion for travel to far off land. He has since traveled extensively around the world before choosing Costa Rica as his ideal destination, where he designed & built a small vacation resort with an artist studio, wich provided Peter ample time to explore his passion for painting. You will recognize an international theme in Peter’s painting -a result of his many years of travel around the globe-. Peter is currently working on a regional art collection for Central America & will follow with a South Eastearn Asia next.

Caribbean Art Print Collection
Inspired by the beauty of Costa Rica

Abstract Art Print Collection
The world as I see it through my brush

Asian Art Print Collection
My journey trough Asia

Now you can buy Peter's original Acrylic Paintings direct from him. He knows that finding that special piece of art is something very personal, so if you are interested on acquiring one of his art pieces, you can use our live chat below or you can click the Contact button and Peter will gladly answer to any question you may have.